Thursday 8 June 2017

Me & My Health #1

I have decided to open up to you about my health conditions, I thought this is a great way to know me but also people might have similar things happening with them and they could advise me or maybe rolls reversed.

I know this is slightly TMI (too much information) but I have really suffered. I start my period in year eight and they started off really bad, really heavy, painful and I had a period almost every day of the year. It sorted itself out after a year and went to being monthly for ten days being heavy every day and really painful, I suffered with diarrhea or constipation throughout my period. I hated that time of the month, I gained weight was put on various medicines and told 'it's just your age', I hate that sentence.
I couldn't use tampons so wore sanitary pads and wore about three thick pads. I kept going to the doctors and they would just keep telling me 'it's just your age', I lost confidence, gained a lot of weight, before puberty I did a lot of exercise but stopped because I didn't feel comfortable in the pads. I was flat chested and hit puberty and gained huge boobs within a year so obviously didn't feel confident about the stretch marks on my chest.
Did I mention not only was I bleeding but I was losing a lot of clots that were huge and scared the sh** out of me the first time I seen it, I thought I was dying.
How would you feel being told at the age of twelve that you should go on the pill? At that age I just thought that was contraception and I was going on a school trip to France and was told that I needed to give all medication to the male teacher so I was not going to be taking the pill during this time, what sort of person do I look when I am handing over the pill at the age of 12.
I have since tried different meds and painkiller to help with the period pains as well as medicine to reduce the flow but nothing worked.
I moved house and moved doctors and I just thank the doctor there who took me serious after eight years of living my life like this.
The doctor referred me to the gynaecology ward where I had my first meeting and they told me to go on the depo injection, this did reduce my periods from ten days to seven days which was positive but didn't reduce the pain.
Three months after that appointment I had another one and the woman kept saying rubbish that I had heard for years and then she said the dreaded sentence 'it's just your age', I burst into tears in front of this woman and I don't think she was very helpful dealing with it because she said I should go on antidepressants. Well after that appointment I thought I was about to losing it.
Another three months went by and I had done some research prior to this visit as well as talk to people and I had a lot of the same symptoms as somebody suffering with endometriosis (exhaustion, heavy painful periods, painful bowel movements, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, clots) so when I mentioned it to the next gynaecologist she told me she would have to talk to her consultant, she went out and came back only to tell me that they are discharging me from this ward and in three months time if my periods are the same go back to my doctors to get me referred back.
Has three months gone by?
Has my periods stayed the same?
No, I haven't had a period since November.
Have I been back to the doctors to get referred back?
No, my symptoms have changed and I have other issues to deal with, I do have period pains but no actual period.

I have been suffering with really bad headaches for a while, they make my brain feel like its pulsating out of my head, in the video I show how I have to curl up to release some of the pain. I seem to get headaches if I stand up to quick, run down the stairs, jump up and down so the doctors have told me they will go a CT on my head, they are finally taking it serious.

I did a video about what happened the first time I collapsed in 2016 but I thought I would mention what has happened since.
Back in October 2016 I was doing my makeup sitting at the window and all of a sudden my chest felt tight, it felt as if I had been winded and then all I remember is waking up on the floor crying, my head hurt, my shoulders and sides hurt as well as my mouth, the pain left when I felt my mouth, I thought I had knocked my teeth out.
Went to the hospital and they thought it was a spasm in my wind pipe so they thought it was a one off.
I collapsed the same way about two weeks later no injuries really so the doctors referred me to the cardiology ward prior to going to any appointments I had ultrasound scans on my chest and a 48 hour ECG monitor.
I collapsed again late November / early December, no injuries so I didn't bother to go to the hospital or doctors.
First appointment at the cardiology department and the very good looking doctor hadn't got all my scan results back so couldn't do much. The hospital I had the 48 hour ECG applied was delayed.
Second appointment three months later and a different doctor told me that I can not drive until a year after the last collapse or if they find some issue and can solve it.
I have got to have a tilt table test either the day this blog post goes up or the day after, I am scared about it, I have read the side effects and there is a possibility I could have a stroke. The doctor also said there is an operation I could have where they insert a machine near my heart that records any heart patterns if I collapse, the only thing is, I will be awake when they do it so I am bricking it.

Unfortunately nothing has been sorted out yet but hopefully something will.

Watch the video version of this video:

NOTE: this is not a sponsored post.

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